Why would I ever want to start a blog? And why would you, or anyone else for that matter, ever want to read it?
I am starting this blog because I am starting a new journey; a journey seeking a deeper spirituality. Perhaps it has something to do with my age (I call myself late-middle-aged, but unless I live to be about 120 years old, I am not sure that is a very honest identity.) But at 58 years old, I realized that I have to start thinking seriously about my bucket list. (You know, the things you want to do before you kick the bucket.) My bucket list has always included travel and new experiences, such as a trip to Hawaii or skydiving (really, skydiving). But now I know that lying on the beach in a bikini on Maui will likely never happen, (I don't think Hawaii has beaches that are remote enough for that!!) so I am content with seeing the travel programs on TV. And my desire from my younger days to skydive have been tempered by age and the cowardice wisdom that comes with it. But more importantly, I have come to realize that when I am lying on my deathbed, the memory of warm sands of Hawaii or the rush of jumping out of a moving airplane probably won't bring me peace of heart and the feeling of a life well-lived. That can only come from the adventures and journeys that take place within one's self. And so, the journey begins.
I can't really say this is a new journey for me. While I have always been religious, I don't think I have ever been really deeply spriritual. I think I am just wired to be too tangibly in touch with the daily world around me. And becoming more spiritual is something I long for; it's on my bucket list, right at the top. Actually, I have long been interested in all things spiritual. I have often wondered how other people answer their need for a spiritual life and how they handle their journey. I made an attempt to gain an understanding by looking at the big picture. How do other people in the world seek and find God? What is their experience? In a move to examine that issue, about seven years ago I spent about six months studying the world religions, to learn how other people seek God and respond to their spiritual needs. (I will go into more detail about that learning adventure at a future time.) It was a deeply rewarding, paradigm-shifting experience. And in the end, I affirmed the fact I belong right where I always had been, with my religious beliefs deeply-rooted in my home chuch, the Catholic faith.
But receiving the Holy Eucharist each Sunday, doing numerous charitable works, and knowing a litany of prayers and hymns was not enough to bring me where I want to be and, more importantly, to KEEP ME THERE. I want to learn so much more about God and what He is saying to me in my daily world. I know that The Bible holds the answers I seek. I have read the Bible and participated in Bible studies several times before. I have found that while I do well in an organized study, I seem to have difficulty when studying the Bible on my own. I also know that studying God's word brings me closer to the creator of the universe, his Holy Spirit, and his redeeming son, Jesus. But I still feel like a thirsty traveler who, after being given a small glass of drink, is looking for a more satisfying beverage. Earlier this year, I attened a 6 week program which broadly covered the entire Bible (in just 6 weeks!). It was very good, but not in-depth, and was over so quicky. I knew that I needed something more.
To satisfy this longing, I have started on a new path on my journey. I have enrolled in a four-year long program to study God's word through the Bible. I will be attending weekly classes offered through the Catholic Bible School of Michigan. It is a rigorous course, comparable to a college-level class, but without mandatory tests. It meets from Fall through Spring, with brief breaks for holidays. And it lasts for 4 years! The Bible school is being held in three different cities in Michigan in this, its inaugural year. It was patterned after, and uses material from, a similarly run highly successful ongoing program in Denver. My class meets in Monroe once a week, which makes it a workable location for me.
And while I welcome readers to accompany me on this journey, this journal is actually for me. I need an outlet to help sort out my thoughts as I travel down this path. I vow to write about my spiritual journey as honestly as I possibly can. I hope you will see some of my strengths as I take this path, but I am certain you will see my failings and weaknesses, too. So if you are reading along, perhaps you will benefit from my faith-seeking experiences. Perhaps your spiritual side can also benefit a little from what I learn and share here along the way. If so, feel free to join me on this journey. I am sure God has great things ahead for us all!